A day's activities


TITLE A day's activities

SPEAKER Mrs. Linda (Leyagan) Tanug

PLACE Panganan, Bukidnon

DATE April 23, 1990.

CASSETTE #MS3A2 Women's Talk (Half-way through)

TRANSCRIBED Linda and Robert Hunt


GENRE Narrative

NOTE Recorded in my office.

MU512001 001

   Spoken: Gabii     te  maapun,        uli              keys                
   Formal: Gabii     te  maapun         uli              key      su         
 Phonemic: gabi­i    te  mahapun        ­uli­            key     #su         
  Lexemes: gabi­i    te  mA1-=hapun     ­uli­            key     #su         
  Lex POS: adv       cmk aff =n_rt      v_rt             pron    #conj       
Lex Gloss: yesterday NF  ADJR=afternoon return_home/heal 1pe_F   #because/so 
 Word POS: adv       cmk n              v                pron    #conj       
Wrd Gloss: yesterday in  afternoon      return_home      we(excl)#because    

   Spoken: insimba        te  maapun         e.   
   Formal: insimba        te  maapun         e    
 Phonemic: ­insimba       te  mahapun        ­e   
  Lexemes: ­iN-  =simba   te  mA1-=hapun     ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff =v_rt    cmk aff =n_rt      part 
Lex Gloss: P_AccF=worship NF  ADJR=afternoon COMP 
 Word POS: v              cmk n              part 
Wrd Gloss: went_to_church in  afternoon      COMP 

Yesterday afternoon we went home because we had attended church until afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon we went home after attending church.

Is 'maapun e' = 'late morning' or 'already afternoon'?

MU512001 002

   Spoken: Nekeuma            keyt         maapun         e,   migsusubba         
   Formal: Nekeuma            key      te  maapun         e    migsusubba         
 Phonemic: neke­uma           key     #te  mahapun        ­e   migsusubba         
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­uma   key     #te  mA1-=hapun     ­e   mig- =rdpCV-=subba 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   pron    #cmk aff =n_rt      part v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=arrive 1pe_F   #NF  ADJR=afternoon COMP P    =-     =cook  
 Word POS: v                  pron    #cmk n              part v                  
Wrd Gloss: arrived            we(excl)#in  afternoon      COMP cooked             

   Spoken: ad               te  inlabung      ney.       
   Formal: ad               te  inlabung      ney        
 Phonemic: ­ad              te  ­inlabu¥      ney        
  Lexemes: ­a   =-d         te  ­iN-  =labu¥  ney        
  Lex POS: pron =nonv_aff   cmk v_aff =v_rt   pron       
Lex Gloss: 1s_F =COMPLETIVE NF  P_AccF=supper 1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: pron             cmk v             pron       
Wrd Gloss: I_COMPL          -   ate_supper    ours(excl) 

Having arrived in the afternoon, I cooked our evening meal.

After getting home, I cooked our evening meal.

I think 'migsusubba ad' is really short for 'migsusubba ad e'.

MU512001 003

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          sen susubba,            migpangeun           
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  insusubba           migpangeun           
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  ­insusubba          migpa¥e­un           
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  ­iN-  =rdpCV-=subba mig- =paN- =he­un    
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff =v_aff =v_rt  v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P_AccF=-     =cook  P    =DISTR=serve_up 
 Word POS: v                  cmk v                   v                    
Wrd Gloss: finished           the cooked              served_up            

   Spoken: ad.              
   Formal: ad               
 Phonemic: ­ad              
  Lexemes: ­a   =-d         
  Lex POS: pron =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: 1s_F =COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: pron             
Wrd Gloss: I_COMPL          

Having finished cooking, I served up.

Then I served up.

MU512001 004

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          as       impangeun,            migkeeng    key      
   Formal: Nekeimpus          a    se  impangeun             migkeen     key      
 Phonemic: neke­impus         ­a  #se  ­impa¥e­un            migke­en    key      
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus ­a  #se  ­iN-  =pA-  =he­un    mig- =ke­en key      
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   pron#cmk v_aff =v_aff=v_rt     v_aff=v_rt  pron     
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish 1s_F#F   P_AccF=CAUS =serve_up P    =eat   1pe_F    
 Word POS: v                  pron#cmk v                     v           pron     
Wrd Gloss: finished           I   #the served_up             ate         we(excl) 

   Spoken: e.   
   Formal: e    
 Phonemic: ­e   
  Lexemes: ­e   
  Lex POS: part 
Lex Gloss: COMP 
 Word POS: part 
Wrd Gloss: COMP 

After I finished serving up, we ate.

Once I'd served up, we ate.

MU512001 005

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          e    migkeen,    panalipun         ad               
   Formal: Nekeimpus          e    migkeen     panalipun         ad               
 Phonemic: neke­impus         ­e   migke­en    panalipun         ­ad              
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus ­e   mig- =ke­en paN-     =talipun ­a   =-d         
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   part v_aff=v_rt  v_aff    =v_rt    pron =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish COMP P    =eat   DISTR    =stack   1s_F =COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: v                  part v           v                 pron             
Wrd Gloss: finished           COMP ate         stack             I_COMPL          

   Spoken: te  platu, tahu     diye  te  paraya.      
   Formal: te  platu  tahu     diye  te  paraya       
 Phonemic: te  platu  tagu­    die­  te  padaya       
  Lexemes: te  platu  tagu­    die­  te  padaya       
  Lex POS: cmk n      v_rt     dem   cmk n            
Lex Gloss: NF  plate  put_away there NF  storage_rack 
 Word POS: cmk n      v        dem   cmk n            
Wrd Gloss: -   plate  put_away there in  storage_rack 

Having finished eating, I stacked the plates, put them in the dish rack.

Then I stacked the plates and put them away.

Plates are washed before a meal, not after the meal.

MU512001 006

   Spoken: Nekeimpus,         limasang    kud                  ka  seeg. 
   Formal: Nekeimpus          limasan     kud                  ka  seeg  
 Phonemic: neke­impus         limasan     kud                  ka2 se­eg 
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus limas=-an   ku       =-d         ka2 se­eg 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   n    =v_aff pron     =nonv_aff   cmk n     
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish broom=LocF  1s_NF(II)=COMPLETIVE F   floor 
 Word POS: v                  v           pron                 cmk n     
Wrd Gloss: finished           sweep       I_COMPL              the floor 

Having finished, I swept the floor.

Then I swept the floor.

Usually floors are made with bamboo slats, and the dirt and food particles are swept through so they fall to the ground below.

MU512001 007

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          migpanlimas,      migbebelat.         
   Formal: Nekeimpus          migpanlimas       migbebelat          
 Phonemic: neke­impus         migpanlimas       migbebelat          
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus mig- =paN- =limas mig- =rdpCV-=belat  
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   v_aff=v_aff=n     v_aff=v_aff =v_rt   
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish P    =DISTR=broom P    =-     =unroll 
 Word POS: v                  v                 v                   
Wrd Gloss: finished           swept             unrolled            

Having finished sweeping, (I/we) unrolled.

We unrolled (our sleeping mats).

Sleeping mats are rolled up in the morning and stored above the rafters.

MU512001 008

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          sem bebelat,             miglipereng   key      e,   
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  imbebelat            miglipereng   key      e    
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  ­imbebelat           miglipede¥    key      ­e   
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  ­iN-  =rdpCV-=belat  mig- =lipede¥ key      ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff =v_aff =v_rt   v_aff=v_rt    pron     part 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P_AccF=-     =unroll P    =sleep   1pe_F    COMP 
 Word POS: v                  cmk v                    v             pron     part 
Wrd Gloss: finished           the unrolled             slept         we(excl) COMP 

   Spoken: se  talaanak.         
   Formal: se  talaanak          
 Phonemic: se  tala­anak         
  Lexemes: se  tala-      =­anak 
  Lex POS: cmk v_aff      =n     
Lex Gloss: F   NR_RELATION=child 
 Word POS: cmk v                 
Wrd Gloss: the family            

Having finished unrolling (the mats), we went to sleep - the (whole) family.

Then the whole family went to sleep.

Whole families usually sleep together, often an extended family including the grandparents and maybe also your brother or sister's family.

MU512001 009

   Spoken: Na          nekeimpus          se  eglipereng    key      e,   
   Formal: Na          nekeimpus          se  eglipereng    key      e    
 Phonemic: na          neke­impus         se  ­eglipede¥    key      ­e   
  Lexemes: na          nAkA-      =­impus se  ­eg- =lipede¥ key      ­e   
  Lex POS: conj        v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff=v_rt    pron     part 
Lex Gloss: exclamation P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   NP   =sleep   1pe_F    COMP 
 Word POS: conj        v                  cmk v             pron     part 
Wrd Gloss: so          finished           the sleep         we(excl) COMP 

   Spoken: miggimelat      e    si         Kunsing. 
   Formal: miggimelat      e    si         Kunsing  
 Phonemic: mighimelat      ­e   si         Kunsi¥   
  Lexemes: mig- =himelat   ­e   si         Kunsi¥   
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt      part cmk        prop_n   
Lex Gloss: P    =open_eyes COMP F_PERS(sg) Kunsing  
 Word POS: v               part cmk        prop_n   
Wrd Gloss: opened_eyes     COMP -          Kunsing  

So having finished sleeping, Kunsing opened her eyes.

After our sleeping, Kunsing opened her eyes.

Kunsing is the eldest of their two daughters.

MU512001 010

   Spoken: Napawe      seini, migpinpinnuu          ad,              
   Formal: Napawe      seini  migpinpinnuu          ad               
 Phonemic: napawe­     se­ini migpinpinnu­u         ­ad              
  Lexemes: nA-  =pawe­ se­ini mig- =rdpCVC-=pinnu­u ­a   =-d         
  Lex POS: v_aff=v     pron   v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt    pron =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: P_ObF=dawn  this   P    =INT    =sit     1s_F =COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: v           pron   v                     pron             
Wrd Gloss: dawn        this   sat_down              I_COMPL          

   Spoken: migpamilas        - pangawe               te  bilas. 
   Formal: migpamilas        - pangawe               te  bilas  
 Phonemic: migpamilas        - pangawe­              te  bilas  
  Lexemes: mig- =paN- =bilas - paN-    =­awe­        te  bilas  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_aff=n     - v_aff   =v_rt         cmk n      
Lex Gloss: P    =DISTR=tear  - DISTR   =remove/leave NF  tear   
 Word POS: v                 - v                     cmk n      
Wrd Gloss: wiped_eyes        - remove                -   tear   

This was dawn, I sat down for a while and wiped my eyes - removed the sleep.

It was dawn and I sat down for a while and wiped the sleep from my eyes.

MU512001 011

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          as       migpamilas,       migsasindeg    
   Formal: Nekeimpus          a    se  migpamilas        migsasindeg    
 Phonemic: neke­impus         ­a  #se  migpamilas        migsasindeg    
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus ­a  #se  mig- =paN- =bilas mig- =sasindeg 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   pron#cmk v_aff=v_aff=n     v_aff=v_rt     
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish 1s_F#F   P    =DISTR=tear  P    =stand    
 Word POS: v                  pron#cmk v                 v              
Wrd Gloss: finished           I   #the wiped_eyes        stood          

   Spoken: ad               su         migsusubba         ad               te  
   Formal: ad               su         migsusubba         ad               te  
 Phonemic: ­ad              su         migsusubba         ­ad              te  
  Lexemes: ­a   =-d         su         mig- =rdpCV-=subba ­a   =-d         te  
  Lex POS: pron =nonv_aff   conj       v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  pron =nonv_aff   cmk 
Lex Gloss: 1s_F =COMPLETIVE because/so P    =-     =cook  1s_F =COMPLETIVE NF  
 Word POS: pron             conj       v                  pron             cmk 
Wrd Gloss: I_COMPL          because    cooked             I_COMPL          -   

   Spoken: iglem-ag          ney.       
   Formal: iglem-ag          ney        
 Phonemic: ­iglem­ag         ney        
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =lem­ag    ney        
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v         pron       
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=breakfast 1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                 pron       
Wrd Gloss: breakfast         ours(excl) 

After finishing wiping my eyes, I stood up to cook our breakfast.

When I'd finished, I stood up to cook our breakfast.

MU512001 012

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          se  migsusubba,        nalutu      e    kag 
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  migsusubba         nalutu      e    ka  
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  migsusubba         nalutu­     ­e   ka2 
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  mig- =rdpCV-=subba nA-  =lutu­ ­e   ka2 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff=v_aff =v_rt  v_aff=v_rt  part cmk 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P    =-     =cook  P_ObF=cook  COMP F   
 Word POS: v                  cmk v                  v           part cmk 
Wrd Gloss: finished           the cooked             cooked      COMP the 

   Spoken: keenen            migpangeun           ad               man-e te  
   Formal: egkeenen          migpangeun           ad               man-e te  
 Phonemic: ­egke­enen        migpa¥e­un           ­ad              man­e te  
  Lexemes: ­eg- =ke­en=-en   mig- =paN- =he­un    ­a   =-d         man­e te  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt =v_aff v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     pron =nonv_aff   adv   cmk 
Lex Gloss: NP   =eat  =ObF   P    =DISTR=serve_up 1s_F =COMPLETIVE again NF  
 Word POS: v                 v                    pron             adv   cmk 
Wrd Gloss: thing_to_eat      served_up            I_COMPL          again -   

   Spoken: iglem-ag          ney.       
   Formal: iglem-ag          ney        
 Phonemic: ­iglem­ag         ney        
  Lexemes: ­ig-   =lem­ag    ney        
  Lex POS: v_aff  =v         pron       
Lex Gloss: NP_AccF=breakfast 1pe_NF(II) 
 Word POS: v                 pron       
Wrd Gloss: breakfast         ours(excl) 

Having finished cooking, I served up again our breakfast.

Then I served up our breakfast

Why "again" - perhaps because she had already talked about serving up the supper yesterday.

MU512001 013

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          se  migpangeun,          keeng key      e.   
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  migpangeun           keen  key      e    
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  migpa¥e­un           ke­en key      ­e   
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  mig- =paN- =he­un    ke­en key      ­e   
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff=v_aff=v_rt     v_rt  pron     part 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P    =DISTR=serve_up eat   1pe_F    COMP 
 Word POS: v                  cmk v                    v     pron     part 
Wrd Gloss: finished           the served_up            eat   we(excl) COMP 

Having finished serving up, we ate.

Then we ate.

MU512001 014

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          se  ingkeen,     panalipun         ad               
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  ingkeen      panalipun         ad               
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  ­i¥ke­en     panalipun         ­ad              
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  ­iN-  =ke­en paN-     =talipun ­a   =-d         
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff =v_rt  v_aff    =v_rt    pron =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P_AccF=eat   DISTR    =stack   1s_F =COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: v                  cmk v            v                 pron             
Wrd Gloss: finished           the ate          stack             I_COMPL          

   Spoken: te  palatu. 
   Formal: te  palatu  
 Phonemic: te  palatu  
  Lexemes: te  palatu  
  Lex POS: cmk n       
Lex Gloss: NF  plate   
 Word POS: cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: -   plate   

Having finished eating, I stacked up the plates.

After we'd eaten, I stacked up the plates.

MU512001 015

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          se  migpanalipun,        ne  migtahu        - ew  - 
   Formal: Nekeimpus          se  migpanalipun         ne  migtahu        - ew  - 
 Phonemic: neke­impus         se  migpanalipun         ne  migtagu­       - ­ew - 
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus se  mig- =paN-  =talipun ne  mig- =tagu­    - ­ew - 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   cmk v_aff=v_aff =v_rt    lnk v_aff=v_rt     - ?   - 
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish F   P    =DISTR =stack   LNK P    =put_away - um  - 
 Word POS: v                  cmk v                    lnk v              - ?   - 
Wrd Gloss: finished           the stacked              -   put_away       - um  - 

   Spoken: miglu-luang        kud                  ka  palatu. 
   Formal: miglu-luan         kud                  ka  palatu  
 Phonemic: miglu­lu­an        kud                  ka2 palatu  
  Lexemes: mig- =lu­lu­=-an   ku       =-d         ka2 palatu  
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt  =v_aff pron     =nonv_aff   cmk n       
Lex Gloss: P    =wash  =LocF  1s_NF(II)=COMPLETIVE F   plate   
 Word POS: v                  pron                 cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: washed             I_COMPL              the plate   

Having finished stacking up, I put away - I washed the plates.

Then I washed them.

MU512001 016

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          e    miglu-lu,    migpinpinnuu          
   Formal: Nekeimpus          e    miglu-lu     migpinpinnuu          
 Phonemic: neke­impus         ­e   miglu­lu­    migpinpinnu­u         
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus ­e   mig- =lu­lu­ mig- =rdpCVC-=pinnu­u 
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   part v_aff=v_rt   v_aff=v_aff  =v_rt    
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish COMP P    =wash   P    =INT    =sit     
 Word POS: v                  part v            v                     
Wrd Gloss: finished           COMP washed       sat_down              

   Spoken: ad               su         miggimeley.   
   Formal: ad               su         miggimeley    
 Phonemic: ­ad              su         mighimeley    
  Lexemes: ­a   =-d         su         mig- =himeley 
  Lex POS: pron =nonv_aff   conj       v_aff=v_rt    
Lex Gloss: 1s_F =COMPLETIVE because/so P    =rest    
 Word POS: pron             conj       v             
Wrd Gloss: I_COMPL          because    rested        

Having finished washing, I sat down to rest.

When I'd finished, I sat down for a rest.

MU512001 017

   Spoken: Nekeimpus          as       miggimeley,   migtagel-tagel       
   Formal: Nekeimpus          a    se  miggimeley    migtagel-tagel       
 Phonemic: neke­impus         ­a  #se  mighimeley    migtaggeltaggel      
  Lexemes: nAkA-      =­impus ­a  #se  mig- =himeley mig- =rdpRT-=taggel  
  Lex POS: v_aff      =v_rt   pron#cmk v_aff=v_rt    v_aff=v_aff =v_rt    
Lex Gloss: P_INVOL_AgF=finish 1s_F#F   P    =rest    P    =INT   =prepare 
 Word POS: v                  pron#cmk v             v                    
Wrd Gloss: finished           I   #the rested        got_ready            

   Spoken: ad               sug        gendini         ad               e    
   Formal: ad               su         eggendini       ad               e    
 Phonemic: ­ad              su         ­eghendini      ­ad              ­e   
  Lexemes: ­a   =-d         su         ­eg- =hendini   ­a   =-d         ­e   
  Lex POS: pron =nonv_aff   conj       v_aff=v_rt      pron =nonv_aff   part 
Lex Gloss: 1s_F =COMPLETIVE because/so NP   =come_here 1s_F =COMPLETIVE COMP 
 Word POS: pron             conj       v               pron             part 
Wrd Gloss: I_COMPL          because    come_here       I_COMPL          COMP 

   Spoken: kunteet       maselem.   
   Formal: kuntee    te  maselem    
 Phonemic: kunte­e  #te  maselem    
  Lexemes: kunte­e  #te  mA1-=selem 
  Lex POS: adv      #cmk aff =v_rt  
Lex Gloss: now/today#NF  ADJR=early 
 Word POS: adv      #cmk n          
Wrd Gloss: now      #-   morning    

When I'd finished resting, I got ready because I was coming here today in the morning.

Then I got ready because I was coming here this morning.

MU512001 018

   Spoken: Babaa                 kus           bate, kua  se  liyang,     
   Formal: Babaa                 ku        se  bate  kua  se  liyang      
 Phonemic: baba­a                ku       #se  bate­ ku­a se  lia¥        
  Lexemes: baba         =-a      ku       #se  bate­ ku­a se  lia¥        
  Lex POS: v_rt         =v_aff   pron     #cmk n     v_rt cmk n           
Lex Gloss: carry_on_back=UnA_ObF 1s_NF(II)#F   child take F   back-basket 
 Word POS: v                     pron     #cmk n     v    cmk n           
Wrd Gloss: carry_on_back         I        #the child take the basket      

   Spoken: miggipanew    key      e    su         miggendini      ad               
   Formal: miggipanew    key      e    su         miggendini      ad               
 Phonemic: mighipanew    key      ­e   su         mighendini      ­ad              
  Lexemes: mig- =hipanew key      ­e   su         mig- =hendini   ­a   =-d         
  Lex POS: v_aff=v_rt    pron     part conj       v_aff=v_rt      pron =nonv_aff   
Lex Gloss: P    =go/walk 1pe_F    COMP because/so P    =come_here 1s_F =COMPLETIVE 
 Word POS: v             pron     part conj       v               pron             
Wrd Gloss: walked        we(excl) COMP because    came_here       I_COMPL          

   Spoken: te  bariyu. 
   Formal: te  bariyu  
 Phonemic: te  badiu   
  Lexemes: te  badiu   
  Lex POS: cmk n       
Lex Gloss: NF  barrio  
 Word POS: cmk n       
Wrd Gloss: to  village 

I carried the child on my back, got the back basket, and we walked because I came here to the barrio.

I put the child on my back, got (my) back basket, and we walked because I came here to the barrio.

The child is Kunsita - the youngest and too young to wallk too far.

Check 'babaa' on tape - why is it UnA?

MU512001 019

   Spoken: Su         tuyu    ku        migpanulu     a    kuntee    ki               
   Formal: su         tuyu    ku        migpanulu     a    kuntee    ki               
 Phonemic: su         tuyu­   ku        migpanulu­    ­a   kunte­e   ki2              
  Lexemes: su         tuyu­   ku        mig- =panulu­ ­a   kunte­e   ki2              
  Lex POS: conj       v_rt    pron      v_aff=v_rt    pron adv       cmk              
Lex Gloss: because/so purpose 1s_NF(II) P    =teach   1s_F now/today NF(III)_PERS(sg) 
 Word POS: conj       n       poss_pron v             pron adv       cmk              
Wrd Gloss: because    purpose my        taught        I    now       with             

   Spoken: maama.  
   Formal: maama   
 Phonemic: ma­ama  
  Lexemes: ma­ama  
  Lex POS: n       
Lex Gloss: brother 
 Word POS: n       
Wrd Gloss: brother 

Because my purpose was to teach big brother.

Because my purpose was to teach 'big brother'.

She was currently teaching - notice 'migpanul—' only means that teaching had started because it hadn't finished yet.

MU512001 020

   Spoken: Kayi re   iya  taman     ka  keddi      ne  lalag. 
   Formal: Kayi re   iya  taman     ka  keddi      ne  lalag  
 Phonemic: kai  de­  ­ia  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  lalag  
  Lexemes: kai  de­  ­ia  taman     ka2 keddi­     ne  lalag  
  Lex POS: dem  adt  part adv       cmk pron       lnk v_rt   
Lex Gloss: here only that until     F   1s_NF(III) LNK say    
 Word POS: dem  adt  part ?         cmk pron       lnk n      
Wrd Gloss: here just that as_far_as the my         -   speech 

Just here is the end of my speech.

That's all.

A conventional ending.